
Updated December 14, 2023 | Verified
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Drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved + grace






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Anagram Names:





1 words, 8 letters, 4 consonants, 4 vowels

How To Pronounce Marianna in English?

Facts About 'Marianna'

  • **Ancient Roman name**: Marianna is a variant of the ancient Roman name Mariana, which was derived from the Latin name Marius.
  • **Meaning**: The name Marianna means "of the sea" or "bitter" in Latin.
  • **Popularity**: Marianna has been a popular name for girls in the United States since the 1880s and has consistently ranked among the top 1000 names for girls.
  • **Variants**: There are several variants of the name Marianna, including Mariana, Maryana, and Marian.
  • **Cultural associations**: Marianna has cultural associations with the Virgin Mary, as it is a variant of the name Mary, which is often used to refer to the mother of Jesus in Christian tradition.
  • **Famous bearers**: There have been several notable women with the name Marianna throughout history, including Marianna Vardinoyannis, a Greek philanthropist and activist, and Marianna Pastrana, a Mexican artist and feminist.
  • **Literary references**: Marianna is also the name of a character in the famous poem "The Eve of St. Agnes" by John Keats.
  • **Symbolism**: The name Marianna has symbolic associations with purity, grace, and beauty, as it is often associated with the Virgin Mary.
  • **Nicknames**: Some possible nicknames for Marianna include Mari, Anna, and Mimi.
  • **Global distribution**: Marianna is a popular name for girls in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and several European countries.

Numerology & Gematria For Marianna

Expression (Destiny) Number

Destiny/Expression Number in Numerology reflects your life's purpose and inherent qualities. It reveals the path you're meant to take, giving insights into your goals and potential impact.


Expression Number 8 signifies a destiny of strong ambitions and business acumen. Material success, leadership, and making a significant impact in the material world are focal points of your journey. Individuals with this number are often drawn to positions of authority and influence.

Personality Number

Numerology's Personality Number delves into how you project yourself and how others perceive you. It provides insights into your daily interactions.


Expression Number 5 embarks on a destiny of freedom and adventure. Individuals with this number thrive in environments that embrace change, variety, and exploration. Your journey involves navigating life's twists and turns with adaptability and a sense of excitement.

Soul Urge Number

The Soul Urge Number, in numerology, represents the innermost desires and motivations that drive an individual. It's derived from the vowels in a person's name and offers insights into their emotional and spiritual inclinations.


For the 3 Heart's Desire, it's all about creativity and playfulness. You're the upbeat, friendly type drawn to the arts, expressing your imaginative side whenever you get the chance.

Gematria Value

Gematria is the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase by reading it as a number, or sometimes by using an alphanumerical cipher.

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